I just discovered that a friend of mine is an expert lap dancer. So, being a good friend, I'd like to offer her 10 songs selected specifically for lapdancing which, incidentally, requires music different than poledancing. I've divided it in two parts: older songs and newer songs. In choosing the newer songs it was hard to stay away from the obvious bands:Portishead, NIN and Massive Attack. However, when it comes down to it, there's nothing slower and slinkier and sexier than Portishead, NIN and Massive Attack.
I'm starting to wonder how many lapdancing joints you've been to... Completely stellar selections my dear aficionado. THANK YOU. You have just obliged a number of dusty playa laps with your talents for musical selection. Love to you dear. XOXO
I'm currently using DivShare to host MP3s. Regretfully, the player interface for each song doesn't always show up so you might want to try refreshing your browser. These MP3s are for reference only (I take 'em down after a while), So I highly recommend purchasing the original music at your local record store.
I'm starting to wonder how many lapdancing joints you've been to... Completely stellar selections my dear aficionado. THANK YOU. You have just obliged a number of dusty playa laps with your talents for musical selection. Love to you dear.
Oh, and please feel free to include any of those more colloquial lapdance songs in your Lapdance Redoux mix.
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